Monday, May 5, 2008

Oboma feels that their should be a national health insurance program for individuals who do not

have employer-provided health care and who do not qualify for other existing federal programs.

This is one of the strong points of his campaign. I have to agree that a national health insurance

program needs to be set for those individuals who can afford it. This way the people who cant

afford their health care costs can have some form of Federal Aid to help them through the

process of paying for all these costs.
The Republican point of veiw is shown through John McCain's campaign. McCain wants to

increase and promote the awareness of health care for children, expanding community health

care centers, and supports health care dividends for low income families. My opinion though is

that a full coverage for all Americans should be enforced so that everyone can have a little bit of

help with their health care costs. As I keep saying in all of my post and like I stated before....

Americans need help. Too many people are suffering by not reciving what they need by not

being able to afford these health care costs.
Adults today are not the only ones that are affected by the current cost of health care. Children

also suffer tremdously as well. The report found about one third of all children living below the

poverty level had not visited a dentist in 2005. Many children can't get the help that they need

because the fact that health care is at an all time high. I know that Federal Aid is already out

there for those types of families who qualify. What about those families that don't quailfy though

because its said that they make over what the qualifying amount is? Should their children have

to go without health care then becuase their parents can't afford to take them to the dentist or

doctor. No!! Something needs to be done about this Federal Aid for children. Children should

have the same opprotunity to recieve quality health care as everyone else.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Most people dont realize that at least 40 milllion of Americans worry about whether or not they

are going to have enough money to cover their health care costs. No one should have to worry

about this. In the past couple of years 40 million adults didnt recieve the health care assistance

they needed, 15 million didn't obtain their eye glasses, 25 million didn't obtain dental care, and

another 19 million didn't obtain the prescription medications that they needed. Somthing needs

to be done about this. These numbers are reaching an all time high. Something needs to be set

so that everyone can get some type of help that they need to be able to afford their health care


Saturday, May 3, 2008

Hillary Clinton's current health care issues is one that mandates health care for all Americans

and provides frederal aid to all who can not afford it. She wants to require all insurance

compaines to offer coverage to anyone that applies and keep these insurance companies from

charging higher premiums to those who already had a pre-existing condition. It requires large

compaines to provide or help pay for coverage and expandes Medicaid for federal childrens

health care programs. The estimated cost for all of Hillary Clinton's ideas for health care

coverage is $110 billion annually. I have to say that the annual cost of Clinton's health care issue

is the only down fall in her idea of what health care should be, even though she plans on paying

for this by elimanting George W. Bush's taw cuts for those earning over $250,000.